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Topic Model (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
Compared with Yahoo!LDA
>7x speedup
Settings: 4.5GB dataset (8.2m docs, 737m tokens, 141k vocab, 1000 topics), 50 machines (800 cores), PMLS v1.0 vs YahooLDA, program completion = reached -5.8e9 log-likelihood
Convolutional Neural Net (CNN)
Compared with Caffe (single GPU)
AlexNet and GoogLeNet
>5x speedup with 8 machines (8 GPUs)
Settings: 250GB data, 1.2m images, 1000 classes (ILSVRC 2012 dataset), 8 machines (1x K20 GPU each)
Sparse Logistic Regression
Settings: 29GB dataset (10m features, 50k samples), 8 machines (512 cores), PMLS v0.93 vs Shotgun Lasso, program completion = reached 0.5 loss function
Parallel ML System
A open-source, distributed Machine Learning
platform for productivity, scale, and efficiency.
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